Monday, July 6, 2009

Halal browser and Halal Search Engine

The Jews have beaten the more pious Muslims to it again. A new ‘kosher’ search engine called Koogle has been launched for orthodox Jews living in Israel, which will allow them to surf cyberspace without ever encountering unbecoming images or faith wavering text and keep the dangers of subversion and temptation at bay. Koogle will follow the religious standards set by the rabbis and is aimed at helping orthodox Jews stay on the stipulated path.

Apparently a jibe at Google, Koogle will filter out forbidden material and provide its consumers kosher bits and pieces from the net. This provides an impetus to our more religious-minded Muslim brothers to come up with a halal search engine or perhaps something even better: a halal browser. The halal browser could scan the web and act all big brotherly for the benefit of its devout and virtuous users.

Ideally, the halal browser will check out the halal quotient of the content in cyberspace. The browser could also label web content according to different levels of halalness. The varying degrees of halalness could range from barely halal to standard halal and extra or strictly halal and everything in between.

The barely halal version will only let the user know that there is dangerous content ahead and warn that if you want to keep your faith intact, browse no further. The standard halal version will not only warn you about dangerous content ahead, but will also distort the appearance of the browser and scream ‘haram haram!’ Anyone with even a remnant of faith will cease browsing non-halal content and will revert to halal content. The reward for clicking along the righteous path - Ovais Qadri naats in the background.

Meanwhile, the strictly halal version will not warn you about anything; instead, it will just obstruct the material deemed inappropriate by the maulanas. For instance, if you are on Facebook or blogging to your heart’s desire and you see adverts with a semi-nude woman with a lollipop (the ultimate test of your faith) asking you to buy this or that, fear no more. The new and improved halal browser, equipped with halal firewall, will take care of it for you. You can look forward to a situation in which only totally halal adverts for items such as halal chicken, halal chips, halal banking and Umrah tours pop on your browser.

If you are an online shopper and have indulged in shopping taboo items in the past, the new and improved halal browser will even curb your enthusiasm for all things forbidden and halt your purchase before you set up your Paypal account.

The only problem is that we do not have this halal browser right now. For a religious minded businessman, it is the best opportunity since halal foods and Shariah-compliant banking to make some solid dough. If Junaid Jamshed is done with modeling for a commercial in the guise of public service message, which, let’s be honest, is really a fatwa in favour of a commercial product, he can now invest to develop the first-ever Shariah compliant halal browser.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Lord of flog

(An interview with so called Pakistani Taliban)

NFP imagines how a journalistic interview might go…

Salaam, Jamat Bin Jihad Bhai
How are you today?
Why do you want to know?
Just asking, sir.
You ask too many questions.
But I’m here to interview you!
No, I will speak and you will listen.
But …

Shut up, damn fool man!
But …
Quiet, or I’ll have you beheaded!
I gulped.
Gulped what?
Err … air perhaps?
I thought I told you no questions!
But …
Keep quiet, you kaali chapati!
Kaali chapati?
Yes, that’s what you insects eat in Karachi, don’t you?
Do we? And what do you guys eat?
Is that a question?
You gulped again.
Are you drunk?
I think you are. I’ll have you flogged.
But …
Shut up, infidel! 80 lashes for you!
That’s not fair!
Okay, 75.
But …
Keep quiet. Now tell me, why did your newspaper send you here?
We want to know why your people have been flogging young girls?
Stupid question.
How come?
That’s now two stupid questions. Back to 80 lashes!
But, sir, why are you always lashing and flogging and beheading?
Stupid question number three. 101 lashes!
So be it!
Okay, 79 lashes.
But why?
Because we are Muslims!
So are we in Karachi.
Nonsense! You all are pagans and women!
Women? That’s a gender.
How dare you! 109 lashes!
Is that a question?
No, I mean …
Shut up, damn fool man! There is only one gender. Male!
How can you say that? God made women too.
1,000 lashes!
But why?
For committing sacralige.
But I didn’t!
You said God made women too.
But he did!
Quiet! 1,070 lashes!
Another stupid question.
No it’s not.
Is so.
Is not.
Is so.
Is not.
Is so.
Is not.
Is so.
Okay, is so.
I said, is so. I agree with you.
It’s a sin to let an infidel agree with you! 3,000 lashes!
But it’s your sin!
I am sinless!
But you kill, destroy, spread mayhem, behead, lash and flog!
Thank you.
You’re actually proud of this?
Just booking my place in paradise. You should too.
Really? How?
That’s a suicide jacket.
Yes. It’s cold up here. Wear it.
But I already have a jacket on.
Yes, but it doesn’t have the heavenly warmth of dynamite.
But I’ll die if the dynamite explodes.
Sure, and so would many other people around you.
But why should I kill them?
Because you are a true believer.
Oh, for heaven’s sake!
Can we get back to the girl’s flogging issue?
Wait a minute. Here, you see this goat?
This is an educated goat.
Excuse me?
We are replacing girls’ schools with schools for goats.
But goats are animals!
So are women.
Oh, for heaven’s sake!
But why are you educating goats and not girls?
Because goats don’t talk back and aren’t immoral.
But men can be immoral too.
They can?
Of course.
I think you are trying to distract me with secular philosophy.
Tell me, what’s an educated goat like?
Like this one, here.
Yes, but it’s like any other goat.
So what should a goat look like, a dog?
I mean, how is she educated?
Educated goats eat less grass.
That’s crazy.
That’s a scientific fact.
Since when are you into science?
Oh, I know all about science. A djinn taught me.
A djinn taught you science?
Can I see him?
He’s gone to Karachi. He does a TV show there.
A TV show?
Yes. He knows all about the conspiracies being hatched against the Muslims.
Yes, for example, recently he proved how the rays coming from the pyramid-eye on the dollar bill are creating earthquakes and the energy crises in Pakistan.
And you believe that?
Of course. Don’t you?
Infidel! 19,000 lashes!
But I thought you were against watching TV.
I am.
Then what is your djinn doing on TV?
Educating goats.
Oh, for heaven’s sake.

Backyard bullies!

By: Nadeem F. Paracha in Featured Articles for Dawn

It was 1991. I'd just quit the University of Karachi and joined a weekly magazine as a feature writer. My office was on the fourth floor in a building on the I I Chundrigarh Road. I headed down to get myself a pack of cigarettes and a saada-khushbu paan. The moment I stepped out, my way was politely blocked by three young tableeghi jamaat recruits.
'Aslaamulalaikum,' said one of them in a swallowing Arabic accent. 'Walaikum,' said I.
'Jinaab,' he said, ever so courteously, 'it is time for Asar prayers, why aren't you at the mosque?'
'Well, why aren't you?' I asked.
'We will be, but we are already doing a naikh kaam (good deed),' he said.
'I see. What makes you think that I am not doing a naikh kaam as well?' I asked, equally politely.
'I'm sure you are,' he said. 'Par lagta hai aap namaz kum parh tey hein,' (it seems you do not pray much).
'How do you know that?' I replied, 'Kya namaazioon key parr hotay hain?' (Why, do praying people have wings?).
'Jinaab, if you don't want to go to the mosque, why not give some charity to it,' he said, still smiling.
'Charity for a mosque?' said I. 'Merey bhai, mosques are all that Zia-ul-Haq ever built in Pakistan. I think you people will please Allah more if you gathered charity for schools and hospitals instead!'
The guy smiled again, 'wo tho bohat hain (there are more than enough).'
'Acha. Yeh kab hooah? (Really? When did that happen?)' I laughed.
He shook his head, smiled, half-closed his eyes and said, 'Allah aap koh hidayat dey aur ….'
I interrupted: ' … Aur aap koh aqal!'
He didn't look very pleased, and without shaking my hand, walked away. Not smiling anymore.


It was 1994. I was an assistant editor and columnist for an English daily in Karachi, on a visit to our Lahore office. I took a break to check out a book store at Liberty Market. There I was approached by kid in his late teens.
'Hello. You are NFP, right?'
'Err … yes.'
'I am Danish.'
'Hello, Danish.'
'I read your stuff,'
'It's very interesting. Keep it up'
'Thank you, Danish.'
'Okay. Nice meeting you Mr. Paracha.'
'Nice meeting you too Danish.'
Danish turned, paused, then turned to face me again.
'Mr. Paracha?'
'Yes, Mr. Danish.'
'Have you read the Koran?'
'Err … yes Danish I have.'
"In English?'
'Yes, Danish, in English.'
'How did it change you?'
'Why Danish, do you think I should change?'
'I was just wondering.'
'I see. Are you surprised that I have read the Koran?'
"Actually yes.'
'Well, Danish, will it also surprise you if I told you that I have also read the Bible, the Torah, the Bhagwat Gita, Karl Marx's Communist Manifesto and Hitler's Mein Kamph?'
'Right. But wasn't the Koran better?'
'I'll tell you what was better, Danish. Nirvana's third album was better than it's second. And I always thought Rocky I was better than Rocky-III.'
Danish was still. Almost expressionless. Then chuckled: 'Mr.NFP. Always trying to be different.'
'Yes, Danish. And so should you,' I said, handing him a Batman comic.

It was 2002. I was working as a Creative Group Head at an advertising agency and sitting with the Creative Director who was a woman. A young female employee came into her office and complained that a male colleague of hers, a bearded man in his thirties, was constantly advising her to wear a duppatta.
The Creative Director kept her cool, sent the lady back to her seat and called the man.
'Why are you going around saying this to women?' She asked him.
He remained quiet.
She continued: 'I'm sure a lot of people do not like your beard, but has anyone over here ever told you to shave it off?'
The man was shocked. He looked at me and then the Creative Director. Then a weepy, squeaky 'sorry' appeared from deep down his throat.
'End of jihad,' I thought.

It was 2006. I got a call from an agitated man on my cellphone. He was angry about a few articles of mine.
'How can you defend France's laws banning hijabs in public schools?' He asked, agitatedly.
'They've banned Sikh turbans and the wearing of Christian crosses and the Jew Star of David as well,' I told him.
'Yes, but the law is really against the Muslims!' He insisted.
'No,' said I. 'The law is against exhibiting overt religious symbols in public. France is a secular country and it has every right to do so. What if a European woman appears in a mini-skirt on Zainab Market? You will say, since you are an Islamic Republic, you have the right to ban such attire in public, wouldn't you? I think they tolerate a lot more hijabs and turbans in their country than we can ever tolerate crosses, shorts and skirts is in ours!"
'You are just against Islam!' Saying this, he simply dropped the line.

It was 2007. My apartment building had run out of water. I accompanied the building's president to check the situation. The president called the chawkidar and said, 'Yaar, ever since you have come, we have started to have this water problem.'
The president then turned towards me and in all seriousness announced: 'Nadeem sahib, this chawkidar of ours does nor pray regularly.'
I nodded.
'You know,' the president continued in all earnest, 'the chawkidar we had before him used to pray right here over the water tank and ma'shallah we used to have tons of water!'
'Aab-e-zam-zam?' I asked, jokingly.
But the president remained serious. 'This guy should start praying here!'
'Right!' said I, slightly irritated. Then turning towards the embarrassed chawkidar I told him, 'You better start praying over the water tank. Who knows, this time we might even strike oil!'

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Historical Review of the Conflict in South Asia

Mr. David Ignatius,

I really appreciate your views that the America should become an ally of change under the president ship of Mr. Barack Obama and should work for the betterment and well being of humanity instead of enforcing the wars on the sovereign nations based upon false intelligence information like it did in Iraq.
In response to your editorial named “Obama the Healer” in the Washington Post on Sunday Dec 14, 2008 I would like to give my views about the militant Islam, its causes and previous supporters. And at the same time the causes of hate for United States.
It is a well established fact that the US use Islamic ‘Jihadists’ during the afghan war to bestow an insulting defeat to the soviets and for this purpose US hailed Islamic ‘Jihadists’ from all over the world and supported them morally and monetarily. US provoke their religious sentiments to hammer soviet interests. And after the task was done--- disintegration of Soviet Union resulted in end of US interests. And it left the region with out offering any assistance to the forces that had been used to mar soviet forces and did nothing for the rehabilitation of Afghan refugees and the Arab, Uzbeks and Tajik ‘Mujahideen’ to their native countries. This was the very point when the concept of Islamic militancy arose. And this riped after the 9/11 when US accused Muslims for the plot and then Iraq invasion triggered the reaction.

The most important countries where Mr. Obama should concentrate are Afghanistan and Pakistan. US should assist these countries so that they can root out the causes of tension and conflict and should not use force, which could result in further deterioration. Americans should realize that no conflict can be solved with the use of force, in fact use of force intensify the conflict--- as had been tried by Indians in Occupied Kashmir, Soviets in Afghanistan, Americans in Vietnam and now again Americans in Afghanistan and Iraq. British Forces also tried to colonize Afghanistan and tribal areas during its occupation on the subcontinent. British had to face the same fury as US is facing now. British forces had to retreat. These tribal people have always remained free and they do not accept foreign dominance in any case, this is their tribal custom and history is witness.
US should start dialogue with the Islamic world to end their suspicions about US global agenda and should respect the sovereign nations to avoid the next WW. Americans has lost the confidence and respect in the world not only in the rival countries but also in the ally countries like Pakistan, due to not respecting the their sovereignty and interests, here in this essay where ever I have used or will use Americans, it signals towards American policies not actually the American people. US don’t respect the sovereignty of others and at the same time wants to be respected… that is certainly not reasonable.

People in the Muslim world don’t have any enmity with American People but they hate US policies that have raged the sentiments of the most of the Muslims. Mr. Obama should pursue a policy of mutual respect and interests. It is a golden chance for US to rebuild its image in the world as a power that cares for the well being of the people of this planet. Other wise conflict would lead the world towards the different centers of power like China and Russia.

There is a unique opportunity for Americans to wash the strains of past blunders and join hands with the entire world to pursue the agenda of education, health, democracy, and most importantly of Peace and brotherhood for Humanity.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

On the Decay of the Art of Lying

Sometimes I wonder that the art of lying is on the way to decay as was once mentioned by Mark Twain in an essay, for discussion, which he read at a meeting of The Historical and Antiquarian Club of Hartford. With due respect, I would like to contradict with this notion. As a matter of fact when we start observing our society we came to know that this art is not only flourishing but the tactics of its usage are also refining with the every passing day. In my brief life and even more brief experience of authoritative cum pretended democratic and so called democratic governments during my politically awaked life—thanks to the vibrant media, I have witnessed a lot of mastery over this art of lying. First, I remembered the 14 Oct, 1999 speech of General Pervaiz Musharaf after taking over the Nawaz government and announced his high flown program to put the country to the right track. But instead of putting the country on the right track, he put the country on the path of militancy and extended terrorism. Then comes the financial wizard Shaukat Aziz who with his mastery of this art of lying portrays all through his almost 8 years as finance minister and almost 3 year tenure as Prime Minister that the country is doing well, growing GDP and piling reserves. Infact he marketed bubble economy in such an illusive way that along with the ordinarily masses of the country international financial institutions like WB and IMF also appreciated the way he was managing. But soon after the departure of his government all the spell broke away and country is now facing the fears of bankruptcy with huge power cuts even in the major cities, a dwindling industry and corporate sector with slowed down and declining job market. The person who is responsible for this worsened situation has already fled and not answerable for all this mess and his patron is still enjoying his life under a tight security cordon provided by democratically elected government at the expence of common tax payer. Then comes the so called torch bearers of democracy who exploit the lawyers movement for promoting their political agenda and finally got elected in 18 Feb election due the promises they made to the people to restore judges, restore true democratic system and to take steps for the promotion of an independent judiciary and independent and sovereign parliament. So far these promises have not been made, and most of the common men feel that they once more have become a victim of the art lying by the ruling elite once opposition. I think that all this courteous lying is not a sweet and loving art at all, and should not be cultivated as here in Pakistan the ruling elite whether military or democratic use this art as a tool to exploit the situation for their personal and political gains. President Zardari should take initiative to start seeing things objectively for the sake of national interest in the wake of serious internal and external threats to the sovereignty of the country. And he should negate the idea that highest perfection of politeness is only a beautiful edifice, built, from the base to the dome, of graceful and gilded forms of charitable and unselfish lying… which would not be justifiable for him and his stance so far. He with so much politeness, as PPP co-chairman and later as president, has some what diffused the impact of the struggle of lawyers’ movement and second largest party in the national assembly, once ally and now opposition PML-N, for restoration of judiciary and sovereign parliament. Mr. Zardari has effectively used his art after committing Muree declaration and then betraying and similarly on several other occasion maintained his custom and politically forced PML-N in a position that it is neither fully enjoying the ruling treats and nor able emerge as a critic of the continuation of General Musharaf’s policies as a opposition in the house. On the other hand PML-N has plunged in such situation in which its leaders are contenting on the same art but with a different way—silent lie; deception that they are conveying by simply still and concealing the truth. As many other obstinate truth-mongers, PML-N is also indulge in this dissipation, imagining that if they speak no lie, they lie not at all. Need of the hour is to speak the truth with nation to bring back their sharply declining confidence in democracy and democratic governments in Pakistan. This can be done by fulfilling the promises that politicians made during their election campaigns; by restoring the judiciary on the position of pre Nov 3, by holding the persons responsible for current political and economic chaos, simplifying and minimizing the expenditure of governmental luxuries and finally by their good governance and make sure to supply basic needs of food, water, power, justice, health and educational facilities at their door steps—which is a duty of welfare state towards its citizens. We should rely on our own strength but what we need is a dedicated effort with which we can rise and get a dignified position in the comity of nations.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Why are IT Certifications important for your IT Career?

In today's business world, certifications are almost always a must! This is apparent in almost any job posting that you see. Most employers will not consider an applicant if they do not posses a certification, or certifications, that show that the candidate has the required skill set relevant to the job. Certifications allow you to not only advance your skill set, but to make more money!
IT certification from Microsoft, Cisco, Abode and other software and hardware vendors can help you to advance your information technology career. Recruiters, hiring managers and human resource staffing professionals scan the resumes for keywords, or benchmarks to decide if a candidate is qualified for a position. Certification is one of these keywords. Getting IT certified proves that a candidate is committed, both to the process of learning, and to the subject matter they study. Certification not only provides the tools and training required to deliver world-class support to every customer but it also establishes an essential set of credentials. Certifications help to establish the industry benchmarks and best practices to abide by - enabling practitioners to be consistent in the delivery of customer care.
Well, some people think diplomas and degrees can get around in the industry, no matter what degrees you holding, you won't be a match for certified professionals (of course unless your degree is from MIT or well-known universities). Because when you go and apply at an IT firm for work, if you are just showing them degree, they will consider first, but if you have certificates, they are sure that you have the experiences and knowledge for the post that you are applying. When comes to experiences, a certified professional will have much more experiences than a degree or diploma holders.
There are various types of certifications available today in the IT industry but it depend on your choice of you career. One of the most popular and booming career choices is in IT security. With the never ending creation of new intelligent viruses, spam, and hacking, we need to continue to expect growth in this area. Everyone is concerned with protecting their privacy, whether it is on their personal or their business computers. Being protected on a computer is as essential as shredding your information, because all it takes is one virus and the predator could have all your personal information. Just to name a few recognized IT certifications in this field are MCSA: Certified Information Systems security Professional (CISSP), Cisco Certified Security Professional (CCSP), and Certified Information System Auditor (CISA).
Another IT area you may want to consider consists of Network Design, Network Installation, and Network Security. With companies competing to have the most up to date and reliable network infrastructures, you will find there are a lot of jobs for Network Administrators. Here is a list of different IT certifications available: Microsoft’s MCSA/MCSE, Cisco’s CCNA/CCNP/CCIE, and CompTIA’s Network+. Cisco’s CCIE is known to be one of the hardest and respected certifications in this industry.

Benefits of Certification

Increases performance and productivity

The most important benefit of certification is that the process of certification increases your skills and your knowledge to a great extent and you feel that technical certifications have increased your overall job productivity.

Optimize return on investment and technology features

Another economic factor that certification holders consider is Return on Investment (ROI). ROI from certification is integrally tied to the cost of the certification. According to some recent surveys, for every dollar invested in a certification, the certification holder realizes a $3.2 return in the form of a pay raise.

Keep up with changing technology

Certifications really help to keep you updated with the ever changing technology of computer.

Career development advantages

Despite the IT downturn, and relative job scarcity, certification holders jumped companies after acquiring certifications in their desired fields

Benefits for the Individual

Provides a quantifiable milestone for achievement.
Increases productivity, pride and job satisfaction.
Establishes credibility and verifies mastery in the industry.
Enhances job opportunities within the I.T. industry.

Some other Useful Certificates

Some of the well known and most useful certificates are - 1. MCSE (Microsoft Certified System Engineer) 2. MCSD (Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer) 3. MCDBA (Microsoft Certified Database Administrator) 4. MCP (Microsoft Certified Professional) 5. CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associates) 6. CCSP (Cisco Certified Security Professional) 7. CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker)

Future Career Opportunities in IT

Future Career Opportunities in IT

Are you looking to start a career in the exciting field of information technology but not sure what route to take? Choosing Information Technology as your career will take you to a new world of opportunities. This article will not only help you deciding the career of your own choice but also bring the future career opportunities relating to IT under the light. There are some facts that can really put you on ease as six of the top 10 hottest predicted career fields through 2014 are related to Information Technology. To get a foot in the door and finally land one of the competitive but well paying jobs, it is necessary to have a broad range of computer skills that are best learned at community or technical colleges and universities where practical, hands-on training is part of the daily instructional process.
The computer industry has been consistently one of the fastest growing industries for almost last 20 years. According to the U.S Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), the job market for computer-related skills is booming, with computer and data processing services adding over 1.3 million jobs from 1996-2006, representing a 108 percent increase. The lack of qualified candidates for high-tech positions has tended to drive the average salary levels higher very quickly.

Some Hot Career choice in IT

In the years previous to Y2K, anyone who could move a mouse could land a computer job. But the scenario drastically changed after September 11, 2001. But it is also a fact that information technology is still a hot employment area but the focus has shifted. Many, who are in the field, believe the future for graduates of the Information Technology related programs is in information security – particularly as it relates to wireless technology. Not only are there concerns over identity theft and the possibility of the wrong people getting access to personal information but the emergence of wireless technology and its widespread use in the medical field is pushing technology and the security associated with technology to the next level.
Networking is another option that has a significant growth rate and has promising future perspective. Network is not limited to IT industry only but it has a wide spread base as it is becoming the necessity of almost all business and corporate sector. Banks, telecommunication companies, insurance companies, educational institutions, hospitals, stock exchanges and many other sectors are connected using LANs, WANs and internet. Network Systems linking multiple servers such as LAN, UNIX and Linux allows for real-time information sharing and the power of computers is realized when they are linked in a network. When Network Systems skills are combined with Cisco Systems, the leading manufacturer of networking equipment in the world, it is proved to be a very useful combination. The Cisco Network Academy includes five Cisco courses and is available at numerous sites across the country) gives students skills necessary to take the Cisco CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) certification test.
Another field that has most prominent opportunities in future is mobile technology - so people who are going to tertiary level schools should probably think twice about Computer Science. Computer Engineering is what you will probably have to have more of Computer Science is largely academic, programming centric, and teaches you things that are probably old already because the technology changes faster than the curriculum. Computer Engineering gives you a deep enough grounding in hardware and software that you can pick a path based on your own abilities as well as what you enjoy.

Other Careers Relating to Computer or Information Technology:

· Computer Electronics is an ideal career for the individuals who are inclined towards mechanics and also enjoys working with electronic equipment and fixing things.
· Computer Programming focuses on relational management, data communication, client server concepts and computer hardware/software applications in spreadsheet, word processing, database management and statistical packages using Word, Excel, Access and MiniTab. Problem solving, basic math skills and communication skills are necessary qualities for the successful computer programmer.
· E-Business and Web Design allows companies to move beyond and ties computers, the Internet and business together. E-commerce prepares students to be flexible IT professionals. Employers not only expect web designers to create web sites but to have the knowledge necessary to connect them with databases, market the sites, internetworking and setting up credit card transactions.
· Interactive Multimedia is HOT. This career is for the creative computer person who utilizes the web to showcase creative and graphic design skills. Combine illustration and graphic design skills with to audio/video production and website development for an outstanding career opportunity in the Interactive Multimedia field.
· Interactive computer and video gaming has taken the world by storm and Digital Game Design and Development is one of the newest career opportunities. It can be the ideal opportunity for those who want to make a career out of being part of this booming business. Digital Game Design combines hands-on experience with cutting edge equipment and programs used in digital game creation. From MAYA to the Adobe Creative Suite, students will learn skills to work at the artistic and creative end of gaming.
Just Do IT!You should take great pride in the IT career that lies before you. You will have a skill set that very few others even understand, let alone have. You will be in-demand and commanding respect from your boss and your coworkers, your family, and your friends. You will be adequately prepared for the jobs of tomorrow. And your earning potential will be strong. Clearly, IT training is a wise investment in your future!

But wait—there is an important caveat to this article. Don’t go into a field just because you heard there was money to be made. Job satisfaction plays an important roll in your career decision. If you believe in your heart that you really want to be a hair stylist or a firefighter, do it! You won’t be happy if every day you force yourself to go to a job you absolutely loathe just because of the paycheck. Work seems a lot less like work if you enjoy what you’re doing.